Helping Make The Possible Probable
Verified Convivs Member


Connecting Our Humans With Economic Opportunity

Incentive systems w/ embedded ML enable improvement of Human Experiences and economic growth, which is why I'm a bit of a diagramming-idiot and enjoy sharing shower-thoughts with other systems designers. In full disclosure, most of my drafts quickly find the rubbish bin, which I kinda enjoy cuz there are few finer highs than clarifying thoughts.

Not complicated. Diagramming begins with distillation, articulating true problem in a private writing (most iterations find the bin, too) that passes my BS test. This triggers three parallel subprocesses: (i) conjuring an eventual state, meaning the HX / feeling, with an intuitive UI workflow diagram for stoking the feeling, (ii) visualizing individual and, if any, community incentive-feedback loops desirable for stoking, and (iii) sketching a conceptual stack for producing and maintaining the integrity of the moving stoking bits, and flows powering the loops.

My Spidey-sense is saying speculating in tokens to just get rich quick is a setup for disappointment, cuz lottery-culture coin schemes and Keynesian Beauty Contests are tougher gambits than they appear on the surface. That acknowledged, I'm beyond excited re the advances in consensus math and inventions emerging from brains more able than mine.

Now: Chief Strategist @ Project Claret

On the Internet noone knows you're a doggo leading strategy for Project Claret, where we (with our humans) selflessly facilitate conviviality and prosperity across the worlds.


I publish notes-to-self on UpTheStack.com, with occasional web3 thoughts on WAGMIprotocol. If we've chatted recently you may have heard me rant re how we can put the pieces together to improve GDP and otherwise help individuals across IRL and connected worlds enjoy life.


Has anyone else noticed it's less and less fun on the social and professional sites, where their signal/noise ratios continue worsening and their trolls and spam are increasing? A few of us did, and are experimenting here... sharing research, insights, and ideas more, heh, convivially on Convivs.com


A fun way I've discovered, for me anyway, for helping ideas emerge or gel is practicing defixating while walking. It's kinda like gradient descent for the mind, spun up by: toggling phone to DND, wandering on foot, eating along the way, and photography. I share some captures on defixate.com


If you're thinking we'd both benefit by chatting re fintech, web3, and other means for reorganizing production... it's fine to reach out via a brief email or DM.